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Implementing Kaoping airbasin Cap & Trade System and Control Strategy Analysis for Fine Particulate matter

There are three major work items within this project - (1) to Promote Cap and Trade pilot program, (2) to draft PM2.5 management framework, (3) to help reviewing local authority’s work and relative administrative work. The major accomplishments of first work:(1)Complete two draft management regulations which relate to setup emission baseline and reduction target for designated stationary sources, and administrative procedures of ETS (Emission Trading system).(2)Count up potential reduction from 100 chosen stationary sources, and complete trading simulation analysis involving 30 stationary sources hypothetic emission trading scheme. The result shows that almost 57% of stationary sources reluctant to sell out their ERCs (Emission Reduction Credit), and trading costs around 1.5 ~ 2 times of control costs.(3)After assessing air quality impact from recent major industry developing case, it shows that there are limited control elements to constrain emission increment. To combat these situations, we propose short-term strategies and long-term strategies. Short-term strategies are to strengthen PSD value and EIA review, long-term strategies are to amend Air Pollution Control Act on order to expand authority to manage the emission increment of mobile sources and agriculture open fire. The major accomplishments of second work: (1)From gathering PM2.5 related research document and government control status from overseas, this project comes up with draft recommendations of national PM2.5 control strategies, and promotion schedules to include PM2.5 as an pollution index in AQI. Besides above works, we establish SIP draft guidance for local authority, and maintain EPA air pollution control division’s homepage and the contents update
Cap & Trade;fine particulate matter(PM2.5);Control Measures